Ornata chroma mac in United Arab Emirates

 Ornata chroma mac in United Arab Emirates

The Mac Pro is a statement. With a vented case that calls to mind a kitchen tool, it’s a homage to and advancement of the Power Mac G5 that fans affectionately likened to a cheese grater. Sporting a current generation Xeon processor, it’s an Apple device that seems to have finally launched on time and in step with its competitors. Still, the paltry GPU and SSD that comes with the $6,000 base model seems incongruous with the rest of its industry-leading design. To the point that I kept asking myself as I walked through the showroom Apple had set up to show off the device, would it be worth the high price Apple products command?

The best Apple products are pricy but come with enough premium polish that they feel worth it. I love my MacBook Pro: I like the underutilized Touch Bar and how fast the computer runs. And I adore the multitude of Thunderbolt ports. Likewise, the iPad Pro and iPhone XS are expensive devices that feel like they’re worth their price tags. The experience, from hardware to software, is good enough that you can justify the cost.

But other devices aren’t worth it—chiefly the MacBook and MacBook Air. They’re middling devices with outdated hardware that makes their inflated prices seem obscene.

The Mac Pro, starting at $6,000 (!) feels like it could easily be slotted in the latter category—Overpriced and underpowered. The base model has a new GPU based on aging architecture, a wimpy 256GB of storage, and, notably, an approximately $1,200 CPU. (The 28-core processor Apple boasted about costs more than double that retail, and will probably cause a corresponding jump in price for the machine.) The other components in the base model would possibly get the price above $2,500, if you wanted to build the device yourself. So the Apple tax appears, at a glance, absolutely outrageous. After doing the math in my head, I found myself gobsmacked.

Zoom in on some details, and that price starts to make sense. This thing has some serious flexibility and throughput when you look at its inputs and outputs, though you might miss it at first glance. The back of the Mac Pro is devoid of ports compared to a typical Windows machine. There are a handful of Gigabit Ethernet ports and USB-A ports, plus two Thunderbolt 3 ports and everything is so clean it looks sparse. (Another two Thunderbolt 3 ports reside on the top of the device.)




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